This dump is 100% valid to pass Huawei HCNP Latest H31-321 practice exam. The only tips is please do not just memorize the questions and answers, you need to get through understanding of it because the question changed a little in the real exam. Follow the instructions in the Geekcert HCNP Jan 15,2022 Latest H31-321 vce Huawei Certified Network Professional-MSTP Transmission PDF and VCEs. All Geekcert materials will help you pass your Huawei HCNP exam successfully.
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Question 1:
NG-SDH equipment supports MS-shared protection. Which of the following are false about timeslot mapping between the working path and protection path?
A. Working path 2: 17#VC-4~20#VC-4; Protection path 2: 49#VC-4~52#VC-4
B. Working path 1: l#VC-4~ll#VC-4; Protection path 1: 33#VC-4~43#VC-4
C. Working path 2: 4#VC-4~7#VC-4; Protection path 2: 9#VC-4~12#VC-4
D. Working path 1: l#VC-4~4#VC-4; Protection path 1: 5#VC-4~8#VC-4
Correct Answer: CD
Question 2:
Which of the following parameters can uniquely identify an ASON NE in an ASON domain?
B. NE IP address
Correct Answer: C
Question 3:
Which of the following are false about software installation on the PC that runs the NMS?
A. Ensure that anti-virus software is installed on the PC.
B. Game software can be installed after anti-virus software.
C. You can access the Internet on the PC.
D. Regular upgrade is not needed for the anti-virus software.
Correct Answer: ABC
Question 4:
After the alarm inversion function is enabled, board alarm status, including alarm indicators, will change, and the alarm status data on the NE and on the NMS will be updated accordingly.
Correct Answer: B
Question 5:
When end-to-end trails fail to be created due to cross-connection conflicts, the NMS displays the conflicting cross-connections and conflict causes. If you delete the conflicting trails, services are not affected.
Correct Answer: A
Question 6:
Which of the following indicates a negative AU pointer justification?
A. Three bytes after H3
B. Three H3 bytes of AU-FTR
C. Three bytes before H3
D. None of the above
Correct Answer: B
Question 7:
During normal operation of a network, the conditions that trigger a protection switching are generated on the working channel but services fail to be automatically switched to the protection channel. Services are interrupted, but the MS protocol status is normal on the NMS. What are the possible causes?
A. Incorrect fiber connections between boards
B. The cross-connect or line board is faulty.
C. The configuration data on the NE and those on the NMS are inconsistent. As a result, the parameters of MSP nodes do not take effect.
D. Equipment power failure
E. The SCC board is faulty.
Correct Answer: ABCD
Question 8:
Alarm suppression applies to intra-board alarms. When alarms of different severity levels are generated, the alarm of a higher severity level suppress the alarm of a lower severity level.
Correct Answer: B
Question 9:
Latency of store-and-forward equipment is the difference between the time the first bit of a data frame enters the equipment and the time the first bit exits the equipment.
Correct Answer: B
Question 10:
No fiber connections exist between three rings. The gateway NEs of the three rings are connected to the NMS using different network cables but through the same HUB. What can you do to isolate ECC communication between the gateway NEs?
A. Disable extended ECC on the three gateway NEs.
B. Disable the OSI protocol on the three gateway NEs.
C. Disable DCC access on the three gateway NEs.
D. Delete the DCC transparent transmission bytes on the three gateway NEs.
Correct Answer: AB
Question 11:
What is the default user name of the NE when you create an OptiX OSN 3500 NE on the U2000 for per-NE commissioning?
A. admin
B. root
C. szhw
D. lct
Correct Answer: B
Question 12:
When a network is in synchronous mode, the AU pointer is used for frequency tracing and alignment between synchronized signals. When a network is in asynchronous mode, the AU pointer is used for phase alignment.
Correct Answer: B
Question 13:
The timeslot numbering policy used on Huawei OptiX NG-SDH equipment is ITU-T G.707-compliant sequential scheme (timeslot scheme) and that used on third-party equipment is interleaved scheme (line scheme). Which timeslot of third-party equipment can be interconnected with slot 35 of Huawei equipment?
A. 34
B. 35
C. 36
D. 37
Correct Answer: B
Question 14:
Which of the following are true about TU pointer justification?
A. The justification step of the TU pointer is three bytes.
B. When VC-12 and TU-12 have no frequency or phase difference, the position of the V5 byte is 0.
C. The value of the TU pointer is in the last 10 bits of the VI and V2 bytes.
D. When VI and V2 are all “l”s, the local NE reports the TU-AIS alarm.
Correct Answer: CD
Question 15:
What are the common causes for pointer justification?
A. Clock sources or clock source levels are configured incorrectly. As a result, there are two clock sources on one network or a timing loop occurs. AU and TU pointers will adjust.
B. The power supply for the subrack is faulty, resulting in abnormal operation of clock boards. AU and TU pointers will adjust.
C. The cross-connect board is faulty, resulting in degraded clock quality. AU and TU pointers will adjust.
D. The tributary board is faulty, resulting in justification of both AU and TU pointers.
Correct Answer: ABC