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Attention please! Here is the shortcut to pass your 1z0-883 exam! Get yourself well prepared for the Oracle Database Application Development 1z0-883 MySQL 5.6 Database Administrator exam is really a hard job. But don’t worry! We We, provides the most update 1z0-883 dumps. With We latest latest 1z0-883 dumps, you’ll pass the Oracle Database Application Development 1z0-883 MySQL 5.6 Database Administrator exam in an easy way

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Question 1:

Consider the following statement on a RANGE partitioned table:


What is the outcome of executing the above statement?

A. Only the first partition (p1) will be dropped as only one can be dropped at any time.

B. All data in p1 and p3 partitions are removed, but the table definition remains unchanged.

C. A syntax error will result as you cannot specify more than one partition in the same statement.

D. All data in pi and p3 partitions are removed and the table definition is changed.

Correct Answer: B

Question 2:

You inherit a legacy database system when the previous DBA, Bob, leaves the company. You are notified that users are getting the following error: mysql> CALL film_in_stock (40, 2, @count);

ERROR 1449 (HY000): The user specified as a definer (`bon\’@\’localhost\’) does not exist

How would you identify all stored procedures that pose the same problem?

A. Execute SELECT * FROM mysql.routines WHERE DEFINER=\’bob@localhost\’;.

B. Execute SHOW ROUTINES WHERE DEFINER=\’bob@localhost\’.



E. Examine the Mysql error log for other ERROR 1449 messages.

Correct Answer: D

Question 3:

Which query would you use to find connections that are in the same state for longer than 180 seconds?





Correct Answer: A

Question 4:

You are using replication and the binary log files on your master server consume a lot of disk space. Which two steps should you perform to safely remove some of the older binary log files?

A. Ensure that none of the attached slaves are using any of the binary logs you want to delete.

B. Use the command PURGE BINARY LOGS and specify a binary log file name or a date and time to remove unused files.

C. Execute the PURGE BINARY LOGE NOT USED command.

D. Remove all of the binary log files that have a modification date earlier than today.

E. Edit the .index file to remove the files you want to delete.

Correct Answer: D

Question 5:

Consider the events_% tables in performance Schema.

Which two methods will clear or reset the collected events in the tables?

A. Using DELETE statements, for example, DELETE FROM performance_schema.events_watis_current;

B. Using the statement RESET PERFORMANCE CACHE;

C. Using the statement FLUSH PERFORMANCE CACHE;

D. Using TRUNCATE statements, for example, TRUNATE TABLE performance_schema.events_waits_current;

E. Disabling and re-enabling all instruments

F. Restarting Mysql

Correct Answer: DE

Question 6:

Assume that you want to know which Mysql Server options were set to custom values. Which two methods would you use to find out?

A. Check the configuration files in the order in which they are read by the Mysql Server and compare them with default values.

B. Check the command-line options provided for the Mysql Server and compare them with default values.

C. Check the output of SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES and compare it with default values.

D. Query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_VARIABLES table and compare the result with default values.

Correct Answer: C

Question 7:

A Mysql Server has been running an existing application successfully for six months.

The my.cnf is adjusted to contain the following additional configuration:



The Mysql Server is restarted without error.

What effect will the new configuration have in existing accounts?

A. They will have their passwords updated on start-up to sha256_password format.

B. They will have to change their password the next time they login to the server.

C. They are not affected by this configuration change.

D. They all connect via the secure sha256_password algorithm without any configuration change.

Correct Answer: D

Question 8:

Consider the query:

Mysql> SET @run = 15;

Mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT objective, stage, COUNT (stage) FROM iteminformation

WHERE run=@run AND objective=\’7.1\’

GROUP BY objective,stage

ORDER BY stage;

The iteminformation table has the following indexes; Mysql> SHOW INDEXES FROM iteminformation:

This query is run several times in an application with different values in the WHERE clause in a growing data set.

What is the primary improvement that can be made for this scenario?

A. Execute the run_2 index because it has caused a conflict in the choice of key for this query.

B. Drop the run_2 index because it has caused a conflict in the choice of key for this query.

C. Do not pass a user variable in the WHERE clause because it limits the ability of the optimizer to use indexes.

D. Add an index on the objective column so that is can be used in both the WHERE and GROUP BY operations.

E. Add a composite index on (run,objective,stage) to allow the query to fully utilize an index.

Correct Answer: B

Question 9:

You want to start monitoring statistics on the distribution of storage engines that are being used and the

average sizes of tables in the various databases.

Some details are as follows:

The Mysql instance has 400 databases.

Each database on an average consists of 25-50 tables.

You use the query:



COUNT (*),

SUM (data_length) total_size





Why is this query slow to execute?

A. Counting and summarizing all table pages in the InnoDB shared tablespace is time consuming.

B. Collecting information requires various disk-level operations and is time consuming.

C. Aggregating details from various storage engine caches for the final output is time consuming.

D. Collecting information requires large numbers of locks on various INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables.

Correct Answer: B

Question 10:

The validate_password plugin is loaded and displays the following settings in global variables: Mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE `validate_password%\’;

When attempting to set your password, you get the following error:

Mysql> SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD (`Hoverl@%\’);

ERROR 1819 (HY000): Your password does not satisfy the current policy requirements

What is the cause of the error?

A. The password is eight characters long, but needs to exceed validate_password_length to be valid.

B. All of the MEDIUM password policy requirements have not been honored.

C. The password matches a substring Hover as a dictionary word.

D. The password does not match the validate_passoword_number_count requirement.

E. There is no dictionary file defined, so password validation cannot work as expected.

Correct Answer: B

Question 11:

Which three statements describe how the strict SQL mode provides added security?

A. It rejects statements that try to insert out-of-range values

B. It rejects invalid dates.

C. It limits the operations that the server can perform.

D. It rejects queries that produce out-of-range values.

E. It rejects dates with zero day or month values.

Correct Answer: CDE

Question 12:

An existing master-slave setup is currently using a delayed replication of one hour. The master has crashed and the slave must be “rolled forward” to provide all the latest data.

The SHOW SLAVE STATUS indicates the following values:

RELAY_LOG_FILE = hostname-relay-bin.00004 RELAY_LOG_POS = 1383 Which command set would make the slave current?


B. STOP SLAVE; CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_DELAY =0, RELAY_LOG_FILE = `hostname-relay-bin.00004\’ , RELAY_LOG_POS = 1383;

C. STOP SLAVE; CHANGE MASTER TO RELAY_LOG_FILE = `hostname-relay-bin.00004\’, RELAY_LOG_POS = 1383;


Correct Answer: A

Question 13:

A user has deleted the wrong row in a table and you are preparing a point-in-time recovery skipping the DELETE event. The server is configured with:

You have identified that the DELETE statement to skip has the Global Transaction Identifier (GTID)

`dbbe7da-fe25-11e2-b6c7-0800274aa49e:5 and you replay the binary log with:

Mysqlbinlog exclude-gtides=\’ dbbe07da-fe25-11e2-b6c7-0800274aa49e:5\’ binlog.00000.2 | mysql

However all events were skipped instead of just the one deleting the wrong row.

What is the reason for this?

A. Mysqlbinlog ignores arguments to exclude-gtids-it means ignore all events with GTIDs.

B. The server keeps track of which GTIDs have already been executed and skips those.

C. Enforce_gtid_consistency is set to ON.

D. Gtid_mode must be set to AUTO during point in time recoveries.

Correct Answer: B

Question 14:

Which statement is true about using Microsoft Windows Cluster as a platform for Mysql?

A. It is provided by means of IP- level disk replication.

B. It is shared-nothing architecture.

C. It implements High Availability by using the .NET Connector\’s load balancing capabilities.

D. It relies on the shared disk architecture being visible to both servers.

Correct Answer: D

Question 15:

You have enabled the Slow Query Log for a short period.

When you process the Slow Query Log, you receive the following snip of output:

Count: 100 Time=0 .22a (22s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=0.0 (0), root[root] @localhost CREATE TABLE `t1\’ (id serial,id0 varchar(N) unique key,intcaoll INT (N) ,intco12 INT(N) ,intco13 INT(N) ,intco14 INT (N) ,intco15 INT(N) ,charcol1 VARVHAR(N) ,charcol2 VARCHAR(N) charcol3 VARCHAR (N) ,charcol4 VARVHAR(N) ,charcol5 VARCHAR(N) charcol6 VARCHAR (N) ,charcol7 VARVHAR(N) ,charcol8 VARCHAR(N) charcol9 VARCHAR (N) .charcol 10 VACHAR (N) )

Count: 64000 Time-0.02s (1213s) Lock=0.00s (6s) Rows=1.0 (64000), root [root]@ localhost SELECT intocl1, intco12, intco13, intco14, intco15, intco16,intco17, intco18 ,intcol9, intcol10, charcol1, charcol2, charcol3, charcol4, charcol5, charcol6 ,charcol7, charcol8, charcol9, charcol10 FROM t1 WHERE id = `s\’

Count: 1 Time=0.02s (0s) Lock=0.00s (0s) Rows=1.0 (1) agent [agent] @localhost SELECT Select_priv, Repl_client_priv, Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Process_priv FROM mysql.user WHERE CONCAT (user, `s\’, host) = CURRENT_USER () Count: 48000 Time=0.02s (778s) Lock=0.00 (3s) Rows=1.0 (48000), root [root]@localhost SELECT intocl1,intcol2,intcol3, intcol4, intcol5, charcol1, charcol2, charcol3 ,charcol4, charcol5, charcol6, charcol7, charcol8, charcol9, charcol10 FROM t1 WHERE id = `s\’

You want to tune the query such that it provides the greatest overall time savings.

Which query will accomplish this?

A. CHEATE TABLE `t1\’ (id serial, id0 varchar (N) unique key, intcol1 INT (N) ,intcol2 INT (N), intcol3 INT (N) ,intcol4 INT(N), intcol5 INT(N), charool1 VARCHAR (N) ,charcol2 VARCHAR (N), charcol3 VARCHAR(N), charcol4 VARCHAR(N), charcol5 VARCHAR (N) ,charcol6 VARCHAR (N), charcol7 VARCHAR(N), charcol8 VARCHAR(N), charcol9 VARCHAR (N) ,charcol10 VARCHAR (N);

B. SELECT intcol1, intcol2, intcol3, intcol4, intcol5, intcol6, intcol7, intcol8, intcol9, Intcol10, intcol11, intcol12, intcol13, intcol14, intcol15, intcol16, intcol17, intcol18, intcol19, charcol10 FROM t1 WHERE id = `s\’;

C. SELECT Select_priv, Repl_client_priv, Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Process_priv FROM mysql.user WHERE CONCAT (user,\’s\’, host) = CURRENT_USER();

D. SELECT intcol1, intcol2, intcol3, intcol4, intcol5, charcol1, charcol2, charcol3, charcol4, charcol5, charcol6, charcol7, charcol8, charcol9, charcol10 FROM t1 WHERE id = `s\’;

Correct Answer: A

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